Want to see What We’re All About?
Yellow Breeches EMS, Inc. has a ride-along program, to give anyone the chance to come and ride with us on calls to see what we do every day.
If you are thinking about joining the Company, you have the opportunity to ride prior to applying. Even if you don’t want to join, but just want to check us out and see what we do every day, take advantage of our program.
Be part of our team: observe us in training exercises, ride on our ambulances, watch us in action on the scene of a real life emergencies. To Schedule Your Ride-Along, please email [email protected]
What time should I be there?
Ride-alongs are typically scheduled from 7am to 11pm, unless you are provided a different schedule by the Chief. While efforts will be made to get you back to the station as soon as possible after 11:00 pm, responding to calls for service takes precedence. If you are unable to make your ride-along you will need to contact the Chief.
What should I do when I get there?
When you arrive at the station, press the buzzer beside the door and let whoever answers the door know that you are her for a ride-along. If no one is available to answer the door, we could be on a call. Please be patient and wait for us to arrive back.
What should I wear?
It is essential that you wear long pants and closed-toe shoes. For your safety, you will not be permitted to ride-along if you are not in safe apparel. You will be interacting with the public, so you should be in clear appropriate clothing. For example, a black or blue apparel and comfortable tennis shoes or black boots are encouraged. Inappropriate t-shirts, excessively tight or revealing clothing, or unsafe attire is not permitted.
What should I bring?
Bring money for lunch or pack a lunch with you. If your permitted to stay overnight, bring bedding materials such as blanket, pillow or sheets to fit a twin size bed. Also bring any other essentials you may need to stay overnight.
What will I do?
On ride-along shift, you will have the opportunity to observe a variety of EMS calls. As an observer, you will not be engaged in the actual EMS operations. Therefore, there is no need to bring PPE from other departments. As stated above you will be required to follow the directions of the crew during an emergency situation. You are encouraged to help with station duties (such as rig checks, cleaning the rigs and cleaning the station) and interacting with the personnel on station.
What happens after my ride-along?
Immediately following your ride-along, if you’re interested in becoming a member ask for a membership application.
For further questions or comments, please contact us here.